
What Does "Essential" Mean?

We All Have a Purpose

By Amanda Hollifield, Publisher/Editor March 31, 2020

So, we’ve heard the word “Essential” A LOT since COVID-19. Do you know what it means? Merriam-Webster defines it as an adjective and a noun. 

It is defined as “of the utmost importance” and "to be absolutely necessary; extremely important."

Seems like I’m doing a lot of reflecting these days, even over everyday terms such as essential, but they seem to take on a different meaning during crises. In terms of COVID-19, the KFF has a great glossary of COVID-19 terms including essential activities and functions.When our local and state governments announced Safe at Home orders and only essential workers should report to work, my team asked me “are we essential.” My leader, mama bear response was yes, of course we are all essential, but the government has now “twisted” that meaning for many of us. 

In short, don’t lose sight of the importance of words and what they mean.  We are all essential, we all have a purpose. From the guys that are mowing our parks, to the custodians cleaning our community centers, to city leadership required to make the tough decisions, we all have a purpose and in its own right, every duty/job is essential.  One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies, The Help: “You is kind. You is smart. You is important." Not even COVID-19 can take that away!