
Kid-Friendly Thanksgiving Crafts & Snacks

Plan Thanksgiving With Your Kiddos In Mind

By Amanda Hollifield, Publisher Mom, November 22, 2017

Who is ready for a day full of thanks, food, family, football, and shopping?! Not only am I thrilled Thanksgiving is around the corner, but thankful and blessed to have a four-day holiday with my husband, kids, and extended family. 

Thanksgiving is one week away! Our Macaroni Kid Thanksgiving Board has some great suggestions. Below are my Top Turkey Picks on some easy, simple crafts and recipes you can do with your kids in preparation for your Thanksgiving holiday.


Carmel Apple Bar-The Best Way to Welcome Fall

Pretzel Sticks Turkey- Double serves as decor and delicious treat! 

Harvest Carmel Corn- A great any day snack!

Honey Oatmeal Pancakes- Don't forget about breakfast! 

Crockpot Apple Cider- Warm up with this delicious recipe. 

Turkey Snack Bags- An easy, healthy snack option for kids while they wait for Thanksgiving Dinner.  They can help make the day before or the morning of Thanksgiving.

Acorn Donut Holes- Picked up my favorite glazed Munchkins at Dunkin Donuts for this edible craft. I love finding "cracipe" (craft and recipe) that the kids can do!  I don't know how long they will last, but they will be fun to make!

Waffle Cone Cornucopia- Cornucopia is defined as "a curved, hollow goat's horn or similarly shaped receptacle (such as a horn-shaped basket) that is overflowing especially with fruit and vegetables (such as gourds, ears of corn, apples, and grapes) and that is used as a decorative symbol of ABUNDANCE.  You can also custom these to each of your kid's snack preferences using trail mix, chocolate candies, candy corn, etc.  Here's a great healthy option using fruit. 

Crafts & Fun

Thanksgiving Coloring Pages- A great way to keep little ones busy as you are finishing up the Thanksgiving feast.

Table Placemats- A great way to add a personal touch, especially your kids, to your Thanksgiving table.

Turkey Windsocks- Need a quick and easy Thanksgiving kids craft? These adorable turkey windsocks made from a recycled tin can, ribbon, Elmer’s glue, and crafty odds and ends are the cutest Thanksgiving turkeys around! 

County Your Blessings Pumpkin- What a great way to display your family's blessings on your Thanksgiving table. 

Shake Your Tailfeathers

Coffee Filter Turkey Craft-  What would Thanksgiving be without a personalized turkey craft by your kids.  Last year I spotlighted the paint samples turkey which gave kids the opportunity to put what they are grateful for on each feather.  This year, I wanted to find a turkey that was more DIY.  My kids had a blast making the coffee filter turkey, especially the next morning with all their colors had blended.  The only thing I had to assist with was cutting out the turkey head and slit.  These will definitely go on our T-Giving table this year!

Turkey Table Fun

**It all starts with a great table cover.  I used brown craft paper and sharpies.

Gratitude Game- Hardest part is to not eat the Skittles! Do you have the game Pick Up Sticks. Here's a way to play a great, classic game but combine it with a Grateful Card.

Turkey Trivia- These Turkey Trivia Cards would make a great entertaining game on Thanksgiving day or even a fun gift to add to a plate of holiday treats for your neighbors.