
Countdown to Christmas with Your Kids

10 Ways to Make Every Day Count

By Amanda Hollifield November 30, 2016
Tomorrow officially starts the countdown to Christmas in the Hollifield  home. Each year my kids celebrate the season of Advent with their chocolate calendar. Every day, when they get home from school, the open a new "window" to see their chocolate Christmas surprise.

So what is Advent? The word “Advent” is derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming." For Christians, it represents the coming of Christ. In our home, we also connect it to the birth of Jesus. We count down each day to Christmas, which of course they are excited about the coming of Santa Claus. 

If you have a countdown to Christmas tradition in your home, please comment below for others. If you don't already have a tradition, why not start one! Below are some ideas I found on, of course, Pinterest.

1.  Acts of Kindness Calendar 


2. Lego Christmasland 

3. Advent Jar 

4. Christmas Joke Calendar 

5. Santa Beard 

6. Christmas Clothes Pin Wheel 

7.  Christmas Felt Tree

8. Toilet Paper and Tissue 

9. Do you know the muffin (tin) man? 

10. Fun and Frugal